Since 2017, I have been recommending SiteGround to my clients for Web hosting. Why? Because they seem to be the fastest Web host going. People hate to come to a website where it takes more than three seconds to load. Plus, you have to think about search engines, too, especially Google. Slow sites don’t comply with their Core Web Vitals. They use fancy terms like LCP (Largest Contentful Paint), FIP (First Input Delay), and CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift). I’m not going into a big explanation here because that’s not the purpose of this post, but let’s just say, they ALL have to do with the speed of your website, especially your mobile version, which is probably handled by your responsive theme.

Signing up for SiteGround isn’t rocket science, but if you’re someone who isn’t really familiar with all of this stuff, you might start to freak out when they ask you if you want to Grow Big or Go Geek. What does that mean? The difference between the best account and the 2nd best account really isn’t huge. It is if you’re getting lots of visitors but if you’re just starting out, that’s not a consideration yet. Just remember that no matter which account you pick, you can always upgrade. For now, let’s see how we sign up for the “Grow Big” level account, which is mid-range account.

Use this URL: Yes… Use of that link gives me a small perk, but even if it didn’t, I’d be recommending SiteGround. When you get there, you’ll see this:

1. Choose Reliable Web Hosting (blue circle). Then, you’ll see this:


2. Select Grow Big. You don’ t need the most expensive account, but the StartUp account doesn’t offer enough. For the extra $8 a month, Grow Big is worth it.

3. Click “Get Plan”

4. You will go to this screen:

5. If you don’t have a domain, you can register a new one.  If you have ever bought a domain, you know that you may not get the first domain that comes to mind. You can try as many as you can think of and then, select one that you think is best. (Tip: No hyphens, no numbers, no anything that will confuse the person typing it into the address bar to get to your website.)

6. Select “I already have a domain” if you own one and type it in where the black box is shown.

7. Click Proceed.

8. Complete your registration and payment information to buy the account.


Ta da! You’re ready to build a website.

If you have a webmaster already, just send them the username and password to your account and they’ll take care of the rest. (Tip: Use Quick Forget at This site allows you to enter sensitive information and keeps it until the number of people that you want to see the information have seen it, or you can limit the time. Either way, it’s more secure than sending through email.)

 If you don’t have a webmaster, you can install WordPress very easily with an automatic installer that SiteGround allows you to use.

Then, choose your theme and you’re ready to go! Happy site building.




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