* Image by KT Stock photos on Shutterstock. This is a guest post written by Ellie Shippey from New Reach Agency.

If you want to boost brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, and earn valuable backlinks, the immense shareability of infographics can help you reach large audiences organically.

However, in order for an infographic to produce the results you want, it must be visually interesting and impart information quickly.

Creating highly effective infographics might sound daunting, but it’s not as difficult as you might think. And they are affordable to create, making them ideal for startup SEO.

Here are some basic steps to follow that will help you create an effective infographic that will get results.

Know Your Audience

Before doing any work on the infographic itself, you’ll need to understand what your audience wants.

Ask yourself who would benefit from the infographic you want to create and what it could be used for.

To gain valuable insight, research competitors’ infographics and analyze the interactions the audience has with the infographics they post by reading the comments on social media platforms where they were shared.

For popular infographics geared toward the audience you want, take note of:

  • Aesthetic style of the infographic
  • Kinds of imagery used
  • Type of language used
  • Overall design and flow of the infographic


After researching your audience, you are ready to start creating an outline for your infographic. Creating an outline will help you fine-tune the topic, narrative, takeaways, and general flow of the piece.

When you have finished the outline, you can create a wireframe.

A wireframe differs from an outline in that it helps you envision how the different parts of the infographic will come together aesthetically. It works as a blueprint to help you plan the look and feel of your piece.

At this stage it is also important to consider what colors you want to use. Using a color palette that incorporates and complements your brand colors will help your audience recognize your company through the infographic.


You should now have everything you need to create the final piece by putting your outline and wireframe into action.

Make sure the infographic is not cluttered. The fonts should be easy to read and maintain text hierarchy to help guide readers through the infographic.

Before you publish, always check your grammar and punctuation.


Publishing your infographic on the blog you created for your business is a great place to start, but it’s important to share it on all your social media platforms.

A digital marketing agency can help you stand out, look professional, and market your business so that your infographic can make more of an impact.

Sharing your infographic on social media is quick, easy, and reaches your audience directly. Once your infographic is posted, it can be shared again and again, earning quality backlinks in the process.

Check out the infographic below for an example.
